Monday, April 12, 2010

Little Miss Savannah

20 months- taken by

Things are going good around here. Nothing new with me and Josh...just working and trying to keep up with life. I am counting down the days till summer. I don't think I am going to teach next year but I want to do something. It's been hard but so worth it. The most perfect babysitting situation fell into my lap last friend Jamie's sister, Madison, watches Jamie's little girl full time and I am able to drop Sav off a couple days a week. It has been so perfect. Savannah loves it and it's right down the street. I couldn't of worked this year without the help of my in laws...they have been amazing! I love teaching, but I love being home with Savannah even more!
Now on to Savannah...
She is so fun right now. We are loving this stage. She is so good most of the time but is starting to throw tantrums every time we have to leave somewhere...but if that is our only problem, I'll take it! Her speech is coming along. There are some words she says perfectly and other words sound like a bunch of gibberish. Savannah is a social butterfly. She loves being around her little friends. We started a Friday night babysitting co-op and she loves it(as do we!) She loves all her cousins as well. It is so fun watching her play with her toys. Savannah is becoming quite the mother with her dolls (& dog.) Girls are so fun! She still loves to is rare that she is picky. Savannah is a little runner...she never walks anywhere. It's funny to see her toddler body run around. I love seeing her learn new things everyday. I can't believe I have a full on toddler that will be 2 before I know it. I am so lucky to be Savannah's mom!
I know I will think of a million more things right after I publish this, but here is a start!

Monday, April 5, 2010

We're back...

I have been the worst blogger ever! I have no excuses. I don't even comment on peoples blogs anymore. I am going to do better...especially if I want to publish this thing one day. We've been busy as always and are amazed at how fast Savannah is growing up. I need to do a blog all about her just to document the fun stage she is at right now.
Her are some pics from Easter. She had a blast and we had fun watching her. All these pictures are from Josh's parents house. I video taped her finding her basket at our house in the morning. Her favorites are her butterfly book and her baby stroller...and of course, the candy!