*Shes all about Princesses! She loves every princess and talks about them constantly! Sav could watch Disney movies all day! We've started a bad habit of looking up Disney movies on You Tube. She could sit on the computer desk for hours and boss us around to the next movie she wants us to click on. She loves all the Princess stuff shes collected and lately only wants to use her princess jammies, cups, underwear, bubbles, wipes,etc. We are so excited to take her to Disneyland in March!
*So, some of our movies are DVDs and some are VHS. These require 2 different machines. Sav has mastered how to use both for her movies. She knows all the buttons and can even change the cords on the side of the TV. This is great when we are at home and she doesn't need help, but not great when we are at other peoples houses and she thinks she can handle their DVDs all by herself!
*We recently signed her up for a tumbling class in the neighborhood. She loves going with all her little friends!
*Potty training!! We've been going at it for a while now and shes done really good, except for #2! Its driving me nuts! I am not a fan of cleaning her poopy underwear everywhere we go but she hasn't had one pee accident yet! She wont even pee in her diapers! I want to give up when she yells from the top of the playground "I poo poo in my underwear" but we're still working on it!
*Sav loves to sing. She knows lots of songs and loves all the songs off her Disney Movies. Some of her favorites are... ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, I am a Child of God, I Wonder & I Know you (from Sleeping Beauty) Popcorn Popping, Savages (from Pocahontas), etc. She is always singing her little babies to sleep!
*Social Butterfly! Sav could play with her friends all day, every day. She talks about each one of them by name every day! I have to tell her make believe stories about them at night when I'm putting her to bed. Most of the stories have to deal with her and her friends going to visit the Princesses in their "temples."
*Sav is still a great eater and a great sleeper! There isn't much she wont eat and shes sleeping 11-13 hrs. a night and taking a 2 hr. nap. The other day, however, she woke up at 4:30 am at her grandmas house and was watching a movie in their playroom all by herself! She loves to pull the kitchen chairs up to the cabinets and help herself to the snack cupboard. She knows where every friend keeps their snacks too and helps herself at other peoples houses as well. Kind of embarrassing but they all spoil her rotten and let her eat her way through their houses!
*She loves when her dad does crazy things with her...Throwing her in the sky, flip her on his legs, etc. She will ask for it again and again.
*Sav is a hitter. She is usually pretty good with kids her own age, unless they do something to make her mad. The thing that drives me nuts is that she loves to hit younger kids. Not babies but 1 year old sized kids. Its like she feels like she has power over them and can just push them down. It makes me crazy especially when its an innocent stranger that is just standing there.
*Sav loves grocery shopping at Smiths. They have the mini carts that are just her size! She pushes it around and puts everything in there for us. She is usually really good at just putting the things we need in the cart but she does get a little crazy on us sometimes!
I feel like she has grown up so much in the last few months. We love our little girl and are so lucky to have it so easy with her. There are occasional tantrums, but for the most part she is a really happy, smiley girl. She is the best little tag along and I enjoy being able to spend so much time with her. I know our world is going to be rocked with a new baby, so I want to soak up every last day with her while I can!