so I thought I would post 100 things about me!
Remember when Josh did it a couple of months back? Well I had written one too and never posted it! Some of it is out dated but I am too lazy to change it! Sorry it's long...hope you enjoy!
100 things about Megan1. I was born and raised in CA until I was 18.
2. I have lived in UT ever since.
3. I will always claim I am from CA!
4. I fought with my sister every day growing up, now she is my best friend.
5. I love a clean house, but hate to clean. I will have someone do it for me one day.
6. I love to travel.
7. Been to many of the states.
8. Studied abroad to New Zealand for a semester! AMAZING!
9. While there I went to Fiji and Australia.
10. Have only been on one cruise, the Caribbean, for my honeymoon.
11. Graduated in Elementary Education from Southern Utah University with an emphasis in Early Childhood.
12. I loved my college days…sometimes wish I was still living the college life!
13. I love kids!
14. Having a c-section/baby has been my hardest trial in life thus far.
15. Savannah Kate is the greatest blessing in my life thus far.
16. I married my best friend (not my sister! I have more than one best friend!)
17. Wish I kept in touch better with old friends.
18. Wish I was a better friend to those I do keep in touch with.
19. Been to Hawaii a dozen times.
20. I love being a stay at home mom! Hardest job I’ve ever had!
21. I taught school for 3 years at Cottonwood Elementary.
22. I miss the people I worked with and the kids I taught, but not the day to day work.
23. I worked at Juice It Up for a month in High School! I have to go there every time I go home and get a Chai Tea Smoothie.
24. B.J’s Pizza is my favorite restaurant.
25. I love getting my hair done, but hate wasting the money and time!
26. I love getting pedicures, and love wasting the money and time!
27. I love my church…especially the people in my ward.
28. Josh makes me laugh daily, usually by doing something a 5 year old would do. I think he gets it from his dad.
29. I love that Savannah looks like me. She is beautiful!!
30. I hate being cold, snow and winter.
31. I live in one of the coldest, snowiest spots in the state. Go figure!
32. I am the only person in my immediate family that lives in Utah. SAD!
33. I only have one Grandma living.
34. Been to Mexico a bunch.
35. I played soccer for most of my childhood, but quit when I was a junior on the JV team.
36. I ran track for most of my childhood.
37. I ran one year in college, but quit after I realized I wasn’t competitive at the college level.
38. Ran the St. George Marathon in 2006.
39. Haven’t run for probably a whole year now! SAD!
40. I need my sleep…probably why having a baby was so hard for me!
41. Love to stay up late and sleep in. NOT a morning person!
42. I am in LOVE with my nieces and nephews…probably more obsessed than most aunts are.
43. I have never drunk alcohol or smoked anything.
44. I was Junior Class President in high school and lost when I ran for ASB Pres. Still upset about it!
45. I hold grudges…usually short ones!
46. I play Bunco every month with the best group of girls ever!
47. I love going out to eat…could do it every night if I didn’t care about what I looked like.
48. I would love to see Oprah and Ellen live.
49. Been to Costa Rica 2 times.
50. I love giving gifts to people…I wish I could do it more.
51. I have a hard time doing things that are challenging. I tend to give up easily.
52. I love weddings. I would love to be a wedding planner.
53. Love to be tan, but burn easily.
54. Josh has made me a sports fan, not obsessive, but I do enjoy them.
55. I’m not a big reader…it’s rare for me to be into a good book.
56. I love my in laws. I have a good relationship with them and love to be with them.
57. I ran in the Wasatch Back on year. A relay from Logan to Park City. Hated it in the moment, love it looking back.
58. I grew up having and loving dogs…now, not a pet person.
59. Sampson and Bogart were my dog’s names. A great dane and a boxer.
60. I got a hamster when I turned 8. Little did we know it was pregnant.
61. I never made my bed until I was married.
62. Been to Europe, but I was too young to remember.
63. I am not a breakfast person…but love when it’s cooked for me or we go out.
64. Could eat cereal for any meal.
65. Got my ears pierced when I was 9. No other piercing since.
66. My brother built me a club house on the top of our slope growing up. I started a save the earth club. It lasted a few days. The house eventually blew down.
67. I have touched a whale.
68. I have seen sea turtles come out of the ocean and lay eggs in the sand and then go back in the ocean.
69. I went to a 3 week survival camp when I was 11. My brother was the counselor.
70. I went sky diving in Hawaii and watch the video every day! Ha ha…not really!
71. I love reality TV. A little too much.
72. I have the best parents ever. I love that I see them at least monthly even though they live over 600 miles away.
73. I had braces for 3 years and have tons of cavities. I hope Savannah gets Josh’s teeth.
74. I love that I have a Prophet to lead and guide me and help me know where I stand on things.
75. I am the most frugal person I know. I rarely buy anything full price. There isn’t much in my closet over $20. I love the hunt for a good deal. TJ Maxx and Ross are my favorite stores.
76. I played the flute in 6th grade.
77. I wish I never quit piano lessons.
78. I love my siblings. I wish I told them more and was closer to my brothers.
79. Before my c-section, I never had stitches or a broken bone. I don’t like hospitals.
80. I waited (and dated) while Josh was on his mission. We got married 6 months after he got home.
81. He proposed to me in a Kindergarten class in Cedar City.
82. I love fresh raspberries. One day I will grow them and eat them off the bush all day.
83. I had a pool in my backyard growing up. We took it for granted. I would love to have a pool now.
84. Don’t know how to dive, maybe off the edge, but not off a diving board. Would never do it in public.
85. I have a strong testimony of the gospel. Always have. Don’t have a good conversion story.
86. I got a cute, red, brand new Dodge Neon when I turned 16. We still own it. Not so cute anymore!
87. I have spent every Christmas of my whole life in Utah except for 2.
88. My Grandma and Grandpa Nelson both died in the house I was living in at the time.
89. I took my friends iguana on a walk and it ran away.
90. I am glad Josh is motivated because I can be lazy at times!
91. Savannah gets cuter every day. Her laugh and huge smile put a smile on my face.
92. When I was little I peed my pants at a track meet, on the track, right before the race started.
93. I fear losing someone I love.
94. I love to be crafty but can’t think of crafty ideas myself.
95. Lake Powell is one of my most favorite places in the world.
96. I am the youngest of 4 kids and really love being the baby.
97. I wish I could sew…especially things for Savannah.
98. Just recently I have started to enjoy cooking and am darn good at it too! I’ve come a long way, seeing that I couldn’t make scrambled eggs in college!
99. I love walking through model homes and taking drives to look at beautiful homes. One day we will design one of our own.
100. I am the luckiest, most blessed girl in the world. I have a beautiful family, the gospel, and great friends.